Our Work

We work primarily with rural and urban-fringe Shipibo communities in the Ucayali region of the Peruvian Amazon. Each program is guided by the personal and collective needs of our community partners, their visions for community wellbeing, and are run by the communities themselves, in order to generate sustainable livelihoods for families.

The main focus of our work is centered on well-being – through improving access to clean water, sanitation, hygiene, nutrition and education – to ensure sustainability and promote self-determination. Healthy people make a healthy rainforest, and vice-versa.

Read our 2014 Annual Report & Finances (PDF)

Regenerative Solutions

‘Regeneration’ is a process of renewal, restoration, and growth that makes organisms and ecosystems resilient to changes, fluctuations, and disturbances that leads to the recycling of creative and spiritual energy.

We use the term in all of its meanings to inform and describe our best practices approach to healing the Amazon Rainforest through solutions that are good for not just the people, but also the flora, fauna, and ecological services of our planet.

We see the issues that the Shipibo and other indigenous Amazonian communities face, and the difficulties the Amazonia faces, as opportunities to cultivate better ways of living together as a whole.

Recent Projects

Bena-Nii: New Forest Permaculture

Keras Yama: Ecological Sanitation

Intercultural Education

The Peruvian Amazon is a complex and rich mixture of indigenous, mestizo, colonial and Western cultures. However, indigenous people face discrimination and marginalization in education and all areas of life.

Intercultural education combats this discrimination and respects, celebrates, and recognizes diversity in all areas of human and non-human life. Its key values are partnership and equality.

Our programs aim to strengthen cultural identity and leadership, challenge discrimination, and cultivate a worldview founded on self-respect, respect for others, and respect for the Earth.

Recent Projects

Banxon Jawékiati: Nutrition

Bakebo Akinti: Scholarships

Nomaboan Nete: Women and Girls

Non Axébo Onanti: Shipibo Cultural Center

Axeamistin Menin: Educational Art

Eco-Social Justice

The interests of people and the planet are bound together and depend on each other. Violations of human rights are found wherever environmental and ecological devastation occurs. Eco-social justice recognizes this relationship and affirms that environmental and human rights are indivisible.

We work to raise national and international awareness about environmental issues in the Amazon to end and remediate pollution, deforestation, and other forms of unjust development that weaken indigenous communities and their ability to live on their lands.

Recent Projects

Jawekeskarin Ixon Onanti: Investigation

Noa Tsinkitabo Akinai: Supporting Indigenous Federations

Do Something

The world needs the Amazon and its people. Join our alliance and replant deforested land, build composting eco-latrines and banana circles, strengthen Shipibo cultural identity, support indigenous youth to go to university and help us to advocate eco-social justice.